About Inkamana High School Vryheid
Situated in the heart of the Zululand, Inkamana High School was started February 2 in 1923 as an intermediate School with only one class of grade 5 by Benedictine Missionaries from Germany. The new school had 15 pupils, four boys and eleven girls, all from Vryheid and the Paulpietersburg district. They were all boarders at Inkamana. They paid sixpence a month for school fees and brought farm and garden products to pay for their boarding accommodation.
The first Junior Certificate Examination was held at Inkamana in November 1934. The Senior Certificate course at Inkamana began in 1935 and a year later four pupils were preparing for their graduation. However, three of them left. The only remaining student, Ulrica Dzivane, successfully wrote her Senior Certificate Examination in Nov. 1936. Since then the Senior Certificate results have gained for Inkamana the reputation of being one of the best schools in the country. The failure rate was always low. The school recorded a hundred percent pass rate in matric examinations from 1969 until now.
Presently the student enrolment is 200 with one class for each grade.
Inkamana High School Vryheid registration
For Inkamana High School registration details, Students or parents should visit the Inkamana High School registration office or register online through the school’s official website.
Inkamana High School application forms
If you are a parent and would like your child to join the Inkamana High School. Inkamana High School has released application forms for the current academic session. Candidates who wish to apply for admission at Inkamana High School need to achieve Inkamana High School registration have to:
- Visit Inkamana High School registration office and collect the application form, Or.
- Download Inkamana High School application forms pdf here
Inkamana High School contact details
If you have been looking for Inkamana High School contact details for admission and application support or any other query related to Inkamana High School. Check the School Contact details below.
- Inkamana High School email address: schooladministration@inkamana.org
- Address: Inkamana High School, Private Bag X9333, VRYHEID 3100
- Telephone Principal: +27 076 371 5499
- Fax: +27 086 570 7656
- Fax for finance and applications: +27 086 247 8589
- Email to Principal: principal@inkamana.org
Inkamana High School Fees
For details regarding Inkamana High School fees, applications, and subjects offered please make sure to contact the institution using the details listed above.
Inkamana High School Matric Exam Results
Students can check Matric results through the official department of education website directions or directly consult Inkamana High School Vryheid to collect their matric results after being released.
Inkamana High School Website
Access the Inkamana High School official website for more details on the Inkamana High School news and updates. Visit the Inkamana High School website here: http://www.inkamana.co.za/